Elite UC-Specific Programs

In many cases, UBridge students have their heart set on one particular institution, be it a guaranteed admissions school such as UC Irvine or a priority admissions school like UCLA and Berkeley. For those students looking to increase their admissions chances and settle in to their preferred transfer school’s geographic area right away, we have created three campus-specific preparation programs in the immediate vicinity of UCI, UCLA, and UC Berkeley. Each pathway program is located close to the transfer target university and the host campus has either the highest admissions percentage or number of students admitted to that specific school.


Students study for two years and then apply to transfer with third-year status, fully prepared to succeed in a challenging academic environment.

Program Summary

UC Berkeley Pathway UCLA Pathway UC Irvine Pathway
Hosted by UBridge@COM Hosted by UBridge@SMC Hosted by UBridge@IVC
Best average admissions rate to UC Berkeley in America, ~35%* #1 in transfers to UCLA in America, ~600 students** #1 in transfer admissions percentage to UC Irvine, ~64%***
Priority admission to UCB Priority admission to UCLA Guaranteed admission to UCI
Regular visits from UC Berkeley admissions staff UCLA Transfer Alliance Program (TAP) member school UCI’s Honors-to-Honors Program
30 minutes to UC Berkeley campus Close to UCLA – 6.5 miles (10km) Close to UC Irvine – 3.5 miles (6km)


More details can be found under the UB individual Campus pages.

Key information

  • Two-year credit transfer program
  • Transfer to third year of UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC Irvine, or another elite university
  • CollegeCare® for Elite UC-Specific Programs
  • Priority admissions to UC Berkeley and UCLA, and guaranteed admissions to UC Irvine
  • Entry requirements for direct admissions for these schools are much higher – TOEFL 110+ and SAT 1500+, plus an excellent GPA, for example

CollegeCare® for Elite UC-Specific Programs

In addition to all the regular benefits of CollegeCare®, UBridge offers our students the individual advice and guidance that you’ll need to transfer to UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC Irvine, or another elite university.


  • Private advisor who is a graduate of a top 25 US university
  • Transfer assistance
  • Talks on life at the schools
  • Application assistance
  • Parent updates every 2 weeks, formal reports 2x per semester

*Fall 2019, UC Infocenter – **Fall 2019, UC Infocenter – ***Fall 2019, UC Infocenter, for schools sending 10+ students